08 September 2023
Year 2023
September 2023

Meng Xiao Yu

Meng Wei (Xiao Yu) is a member of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society. She learned the Guzheng at a young age and subsequently read Music in Northeast National University as well as Shanghai Music Conservatory.

She won the First prize in the national Dandelion Ethnic Music Cup, in the Youth category for Liaoning province. In 2001 to 2002 she studied music in Shanghai Music Conservatory, in which during the course of her studies she won the First prize in the faculty competition.

From 2002-2004 she worked with Dalian Xin Ma Te Music and Dance Academy and Dalian Ming Da Arts Center, as a Guzheng teacher. Within this period of time she received guidance from Professor Zhou Wang of Central Conservatory of Music, which improved her skills swiftly. Her students also won various accolades in major competitions.

From 2004-2006 she was with Dalian Acrobatic Troupe as a Guzheng player performing on numerous concert tours in Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong and various countries, to critical acclaim.

She was a Guzheng professor with Dalian University Ethnic Arts and Culture College from 2006 to 2009. She received her Guzheng Music Grading Teaching certification with Shanghai Music Conservatory within this period.


孟小瑀自幼习筝,现为中国民族管弦乐学会会员。 曾就读于中国东北师范大学艺术学院民乐系及上 海音乐学院古筝专业。  


2000 年: 获得全国蒲公英民族器乐比赛青年组辽宁赛区一等奖. 2001 年-2002 年: 在上海音乐 学院学习期间曾获得民乐系古筝独奏一等奖。

 2002 年-2004 年: 先后在大连新马特音乐舞蹈艺术学院大连明达文化艺术中心担任古筝教学工 作, 期间得到著名古筝演奏家,中央音乐学院教授周望老师的点拔,技艺有了更快的提高.其学生 多次 在各类大赛中荣获各种奖项。

2004 年-2006 年: 担任大连杂技团专业古筝演奏员,并先后多次随团赴日本,泰国,香港等国家和 地 区巡回演出,深受各国观众的高度赞扬和喜爱.2006 年-2009 年: 在大连大学民族艺术学院担 任古筝专业教师.期间获得上海音乐学院考级辅导教师资格。

2010 年-2019 仍继续学习和研究古筝演奏新技巧,同时在几间新加坡音乐中心以及学校 CCA 任教 古筝教学工作。所教学生在新加坡 NUS 和 NAFA 考级中表现非常优秀。2020-至今仍然师从中央音乐学院博士生导师袁莎教授深造更规范教学方法及古筝新技巧。同时 在几间音乐中心担任教学工作。 


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